Independent Living Check-list for IEP Teams

Independent Living Check-list for IEP Teams

This checklist is designed to help the IEP team decide if a student needs a postsecondary goal in the area of independent living. Independent living includes the skills and knowledge an individual needs to direct his or her life at home and in the community. Transition assessment information should be taken into account when completing this form, and additional assessment may be necessary to adequately identify goal(s).

The checklist focuses on key skill areas, asking the IEP team to review statements about the student’s skills in that area, and to consider whether the student possesses the identified skills (Yes, performs independently and consistently; No, performs inconsistently or not at all | consider an independent living goal; and NA, not an area of independence being considered at this time). The skill areas explored are:

  • Home Living
  • Household & Money Management
  • Transportation
  • Law & Politics
  • Personal Safety and Interpersonal Relationships
  • Self-Advocacy

The checklist is available for download as a Word file from the Transition Coalition’s Products and Materials page, at: